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Conference for the promotion of pupils’ Physical Activity through Physical Education

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The Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, University of Thessaly in collaboration with the Institute of Educational Policy and the Ministry of Education and Science will organize a conference on Friday, November 29, 2019 at 9.30-15.00 at the French Institute, Sina 31, Athens, entitled “Identifying and Motivating Youth Who Most Need Physical ACTivity” (IMPACT). This is the final event of a European project coordinated by the Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, University of Thessaly, led by Professor Athanasios Papaioannou. The results of the project that will be presented at this event include the following:

  1. results about the low levels of physical activity and motivation of 14039 European pupils and students (3017 from Greece),
  2. the new tools that were developed and the features of the training provided to over 350 physical education teachers in 4 countries,
  3. the increase in levels of physical activity and pupils’ motivation through targeted training of in-service physical education teachers who collaborated with researchers,
  4. the recommendations stemming from these unique results in Europe for policy makers in sport and education, physical education curricula, and training for in-service teachers, parents as well as executives in ministries and local authorities, parents,

in order to achieve the World Health Organization's recommendations for 15-18 year-old children and adolescents for “at least one hour of moderate-intensity daily exercise”:


Attached is the Conference program: http://www.iep.edu.gr/el/deltia-typou-genika/24-11-2019-programma-telikis-ekdilosis-sto-plaisio-tou-evropaikoy-ergou-impact

And the IMPACT project website: https://www.impactpe.eu/site/index.php/en/