Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) of Greece was established in 2011 with Public Law 3966 (Government Gazette Α΄ 118/24-05-2011), replacing the Pedagogical Institute (Government Gazette 272B’/20-02-2012) which operated continuously since its establishment in 1964. IEP is a Private Legal Entity supervised by the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. IEP operates for the benefit of public interest as an executive scientific body which supports the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, with main aim the
continuous update of school curricula through scientific research and study of the issues related to primary and secondary education, as well as the transition from secondary to tertiary education, as well as the on-going scientific and technical support for the design and implementation of educational policy issues.
IEP is the only institution in Greece responsible for the development and promotion of new curricula in primary and secondary education as well as for the adaptation of school teachers’ in-service training and retraining according to the educational policy’s criteria set by IEP in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.