Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs was established in 1833 and is responsible for the promotion of public and private Education in all levels of Education, the research development and the protection and supervision of Religious Affairs. It is divided into several Directorates, one of which is the Directorate of Physical Education.
The Directorate of Physical Education was founded in 1975. Its major purpose is the implementation of the Education policy of the physical and sport education to all education levels.
The Directorate of Physical Education has recently set the following action plan:
- Promotion and management of a health oriented physical education curriculum
- Promotion of research and study for school and sport physical education issues and the scientific substantiation of the current needs and requirements of school physical education in primary, secondary and higher education
- Increase children’s physical activity
- Plan, promote and manage school sport championships and games
- Spreadind of sport disciplines,
- Development of personal, social and civic skills through physical education and sports
- Cooperation with national and international sport organaizations.
The Directorate of Physical Education is a partner in the Erasmus+ Sport project (grant agreement no: 2014-3140/010-002) entitled “Shaping the principles and development areas for health-oriented physical education” and a member of the International School Sport Federation (ISF).